F for focusers

I help leaders to ensure that themselves, their businesses, and brands stay focused and aligned by forging a strong connection between business and brand strategy.


The first company focused on focusing companies.

I’m here to accompany you and your organization build a strong business and brand, stay on top, stay ahead of the game and stay successful in the long run. My job is to provide you with expert advice, unique ideas, and outsmarting the competition to help you to stand out, succeed and thrive in the marketplace.

When to hire me


“He has a great reputation, inspire absolute trust and are able to integrate, understand the culture and define the “how”; he brings to light what the company wants to be and where it needs to go. He is professional, competent, honest, transparent and knowledgeable about the market and its environment”.

Mr. Mariano de Torres

Former President EMEA Lear Corporation

foto Mr. Mariano de Torres foto mobile Mr. Mariano de Torres

“He has been key to the value creation of our business. His ability to solve complex problems is beyond question. I like the way he understands risk, the world does not change from irrelevance, and I am amazed at the ease with which we have been able to implement all his initiatives. He makes the seemingly impossible becomes reality”

Mr. Jordi Galles

President & CEO Europastry

foto Mr. Jordi Galles foto mobile Mr. Jordi Galles

“A rewarding and innovative experience. There is no greater loneliness than that of a person in a C-suite position. He has a holistic vision that can provide a unique approach with empathy, clarity, talent and rigor... to guide you from the ground up”.

Mr. Roberto Alvarez del Blanco
Global marketing and strategy expert
International Consultant
Bestselling Author
Professor at Hass School of Business-Berkeley, New York University-NYU, IE Business School-Madrid, and Rockefeller University of New York.
foto Mr. Roberto Alvarez del Blanco foto mobile Mr. Roberto Alvarez del Blanco

“He sets the strategy and the focus so that the consultants, the advisors and all the teams were aligned and on the same page. This leadership gave us a unique focus, a differentiating strategy that got everyone moving in the same direction, and after more than 30 years of being the opposition party... He did it, and make us won the election.”

Mr. Xavier Trias

Former Minister of the Government of Catalonia1988-2000 Former Mayor of Barcelona 2011-2015

foto Mr. Xavier Trias foto mobile Mr. Xavier Trias

“We have been working together for many years. I’ve known him since the beginning of his career and we’ve done a great job together. He impressed me from the very beginning. He is serious, professional, brave, courageous and calm at the same time.”

Mr. Luis Bassat
Former President Ogilvy Group Spain 1980-2015
President of the XXV Olympic Games
Ceremonies-Barcelona ‘92
Bestselling Author
Best Spanish Publicist of the XXth Century
foto Mr. Luis Bassat foto mobile Mr. Luis Bassat

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Focus Set Up

Setting the strategic focus by accompany you, define a unique, differentiated and powerful idea and value proposition that sets the way forward.


Align strategy, organisation & resources, ensuring that their development is 100% lined up with the positioning, so that everyone -internal & external- is on the same page.

Project Stewardship & Performance

I monitor how consistent you are. I guide and support the organisation through the implementation to build the right perceptions, and to regain strategic focus.

I ACCOMPANY founders, owners, boards and ceos

Global reach & Experience*
from Barcelona to the world

We start working even before your organization,
consultancy or agency begins

*Organizations where our partners have been working for. Full list larger than 150.


Imagine you have a room that’s very messy, with toys and clothes and books scattered all over the place. Entropy is a measure of how messy or disordered things are. The messier the room, the higher the entropy.


Entropy is always increasing over time because energy and matter tend to become more spread out and dispersed, rather than staying in one place. Think about your closet, your office desk or even... your relationships! Nature seems to prefer disorder.


In a way, entropy is like the natural tendency of things to become more disorganized or chaotic. It’s the opposite of order and organization, and it’s something that we have to work against if we want to keep things “neat and tidy”.


So it is nobody’s fault that this happens to us, to our organisation, to our business, to our brand or even to our leadership. F will help you to fix it.

True North

True North is the direction that points directly to the geographic North Pole, a fixed point on the globe. Magnetic North is quite different and is what the compass measures, what the needle points to when it is aligned with the Earth’s magnetic field. Interestingly, magnetic North shifts and changes over time in response to changes in the Earth’s magnetic core. It is not a fixed point. True North is the exact place you want and need to be...


Where are we now? Where do we want to be? What do we need to do differently? And most importantly, does everyone have the perception we want them to have of us? These and some other DNA questions will help us to build something unique together.


F will accompany and guide you to find your True North. It’s not about getting ahead or finding the right path. It’s about getting to where you deserve to be, where you “must” be.

We work for…


You’re the one with enough (__)* to start your business. We will make sure that no one forgets its origins. If one day you decide to add new partners, we will protect their values.


*fill the blank: guts/madness/cleverness/
creativity/intelligence/ intuition/...



We help you evaluate whether you need to do things differently than you have in the past. Protect your legacy, create value by focusing on its benefits, and enable your decisions to be easily adopted over time. No matter who takes over after you.



Having a marketing/brand person to advise your board on intangibles is a must. The ultimate battle is not on an Excel sheet, but on the perception in the minds of your stakeholders. We will help you to think strategically, set the focus of the company/ product/ service/ the brand – and help communicate it throughout the C-suite.



We’ll accompany you so you’re not alone. Everything that happens in the business can be attributed to you, whether you like it or not. We’ll be with you, selflessly independent and totally focused on your agenda.

Nacho Rufin

Prior to founding F, Nacho founded and ran two branding agencies and a consultancy, working as an advisor to the C-Suite and Boards, managing corporate, business perception, branding, marketing positioning and marcom strategies.


He has directed, created or contributed to more than 70 award-winning national and international works and has been awarded several honorary diplomas, including the Cross of Merit. Countries where he has worked from Barcelona include Dubai, Qatar, Russia, Spain and the USA.


A graduate of the University of Barcelona, with studies at Esade Business School and Columbia Business School, he is also a founding partner and advisory board member of companies in the mobility, food retail, construction, fashion and digital therapeutics sectors.

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Life is better when shared

A good experience shared counts twice;
a bad one, shared, counts half

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